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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Join the Army See the World

When I was a child the people who were afraid to serve in the military went to great effort to denigrate and devalue the principles that made this country free. The Communist infiltrators always alert to chinks in the armor of America exploited this. The antiwar movement went from spoiled children to organized and prolific support of the communist Vietnamese.
The popular media was used to promote disloyal,procommunist tripe disguised as comedy. I feel this started with the movie MASH. The doctors who disagreed with the war were portrayed as romanticaly, desirable rebels who were obvously the good guys.The patriots were mocked and reviled and shown to be incompetent. The use of comedy,a trojan horse, allowed the invasion of American homes on a grand scale. Americans felt if it was a comedy it was not serious and watched in a relaxed open manner. This allowed the people who hate and fear the Western Christian culture to slowly chip away at the basic beliefs.If anyone noticed they were told it is only a comedy don't take it so seriously.


  1. Cracker Americanus, wake up not everything is a communist plot.

  2. I think he is dead on with his assessment of how comedy in particular sitcoms have been deliberately used by the left to "reprogram" our values and belief systems. As a matter of fact you would have to be dense not to notice how much left wing propaganda drips out of almost every movie and televisiion show.

    If you want a few examples just watch TV with an alert mind any night of the week. Note that on most shows all the white characters have black bosses now, that is not an accident, it is a deliberate attempt to influence our perceptions quite frankly in opposition to our real world experiences. A couple of shows that have had prominent black bosses lately: Castle and Amazing Grace.

  3. A recent editorial at American Thinker talks about the prevalence of left wing propaganda in all of our media:


    The author rightly compares our media programs poisoned wells.

  4. Are you aware that just below this entry, there is an ad showing a black woman on top of a shirtless white man with these words: "Afro Romance" "Where love is more than skin deep." "Join thousands of members looking for their interracial partner." It is rather disgusting. Just thought you might want to know what ads they are putting on your site.

  5. I am disgusted by it,the destroyers move to breed us out of existence. Marry someone who shares your race,religion and culture.When you use white women of your race for your base sexual gratification you are no better than the dogs of the destroyers.You should at least know better.We need to reestablish ourselves as the protectors of our race. Cherish the women of your race,treat them as the gift from God they are.

  6. But, why are you allowing this trash to be displayed on your site? Doesn't this go against everything you believe? Shouldn't you either get rid of the ads, or perhaps go to a different blog hosting site? I know you are doing the best you can, and this is a way for you to make some $, but, isn't having this kind of propaganda on your page just too much to tolerate? I like to read what you write, but seeing this disgusting ad makes me want to puke!

  7. I am not trying to be glib but the people that read my site are not going to switch sides. I am working on this computer literacy thing. I was pretty sure it was just a fad. Thanks for the praise and following.

  8. I figured you were working on getting rid of all those "computer glitches and eyesores" also. We know the blatant violations they promote against Gods Word, but I'd "clean sweep" 'em out too. I haven't got all these techno things figured out yet either.
