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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Blue Print for A Republic

     The American government was based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When we invade and rebuild a country, why do we stop there. Why do we not establish them as the United States of Irag, Japan, Germany, Phillipines, Mexico. Why do we feel that 50 percent of job is enough.
    I believe our Representative Republic can be duplicated. Our system of checks and balances work for a diverse population and culture. Representative Republics seem to work and appear to be able to interact appropriately.
   The fools errand of rebuilding failed governments is expensive and detrimental to the USA. Our sons and daughters should not be in harms way to reestablish governments that will oppose us once again,

1 comment:

  1. CA,
    Not to be disputatious, but, before we engage in nation building beyond our own borders, we must establish Liberty here first. We're damnably close to losing it.

    That said, you've nailed it. Our Constitution ought to be the blue-print for Liberty other nations adopt. I rather think they will - once America has shown that it is capable of collapsing statist tyranny at home, once America becomes a prosperous place once more. I think a lot of people will sign-on.

    Thanks for your service, Sir. Great New Year. many hits.

