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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mutt Nation America's Rush to the Bottom

The destruction of America continues. I do not know who will benefit. I do not know who is behind it. I am convinced America's decline is an orchestrated attack.
At this time these United States remain the most powerful military nation on the earth. Our armies are stretched across the world defending and liberating the oppressed. America's economy remains in a decline precipitated by the idiotic deindustrialization of the USA. At some point our armies will be unable to operate due to lack of funds.
The deindustrialization of America was counter intuitive. It appears simplistic, a population employed in the production of hard goods is able to feed,clothe and house their families. At what point did it become more important for other countries to be successful?
Global trade and free markets sound like positive capitalist interactions. The basic flaw is consumers purchase products at the lowest price they can. The problem is no one plays by the same rules America does.
Japan was given trade advantages(to help them rebuild after WWII)that allowed them to dump products at or below the cost of the product in Japan. China ,former empire now communist third world backwater,was allowed to use slave labor to gain economic dominance of the world markets. The USA traded six hundred billion dollars worth of manufacturing jobs for the ability to by inexpensive products at Walmart. ChinaMart no longer even fakes their buy American line.
Deindustrialization has deprived America of manufacturing jobs,and their subsequent secondary jobs. The loss of manufacturing capacity hampers our militarys ability to supply our troops. The lost revenue has forced our government to sell treasury bonds to a nation that probably seeks our destruction.
The replacement of the white protestant as the largest population group was started after WWII. The baby boomers were the children of people afraid the world would end. The returning veterans were so ecstatic that they survived WWII, they spoiled and pampered their children. These children supported and nurtured by parents employed as industrial laborers were brainwashed into believing blue collar jobs were beneath them. The American middle class was soon unable to understand the need for manufacturing jobs. The whites were brainwashed into thinking that blue collar work was somehow beneath them and advancement was only to be found in education. Education was used to create white collar salary workers,white collar workers felt they needed smaller families so they could send their children to college.
The indoctrination in college was aimed at further reducing the white population. The blue collar worker's child was brainwashed into devaluing his parents labor. The introduction into a hedonistic world of decreased sexual morals and the delay of marriage. The most heinous attack was the biological crippler known as Zero Poplation Growth. This was aimed at the whites, who were convinced that they needed to not have children. The converse was blacks and browns were started on a program of subsidized child production. The blacks population was subsidized and they were encouraged to move into the blue collar trades.
The blacks are a much more manageable group, as evidenced by the destruction of their family group through welfare.The whites are being gradually destroyed through lower birth rates and the deliberate encouragement of race mixing. Race mixing lowers the number of whites and increases the number of blacks. The lighter skinned appear to a tad bit more intelligent.
Our destruction has been started,it is up to you and your children to fight back.

1 comment:

  1. The first step to survival is recognizing that you are faced by a threat. Most people never wake up and die not knowing what hit them. Thank God that some of us know the deadly peril that confronts us both as individuals and as a people. God give us strength to stand against our enemies. God help us to destroy those who would destroy us.
