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Monday, November 30, 2009

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration this lie gives legitimacy to the invasion of America by the third world. The people of Mexico live in an area very similar to a large part of the American Northwest. They have mineral wealth and crop land that would be prosperous if the people were allowed to benefit from it.
The American buisness man and his multinational carpet bagger buddies place no value on the USA. They have no allegiance to you. They feel no concern for your sons and daughters in harms way. The multinational feels he is a citizen of the world.
The citizens of the US will soon realize that the people coming here are only carpet baggers. They will work for the same wages you do. If they will not take insurance they may be paid more than you. They will not pay taxes. They will not pay for their health care. They will fill your schools,and neigborhoods,turning them into mirrors of their homeland. Do you notice that Emergency rooms are overcrowded? Do you notice your schools are full of children that can't say the pledge of allegiance in English or Spanish.
These people are invaders, the fact that they are not wearing uniforms and openly carrying rifles does not change the facts. Do not fall for the lie that they will do jobs the Americans won't do. That does not exist. The traitors who shave pennies at the expense of their country are smart enough to employ the traitors who lie for a living. What kind of work did your parents do? What kind of work do you do? Would you betray your country to make a profit? There are many people who would,they are able to excuse it by calling themselves citizens of the world, enlightened, liberal. Wake up these people are not your friends or neighbors, they are invaders waiting for their numbers to increase so they can overwhelm you.
Report illegals, report the people that employ them. Do it now.
Do something now.

1 comment:

  1. Immigrants do the jobs Americans are too lazy or spoiled to do. Are you going to pick cabbage,clean houses,or watch your children? Do not blame the poor campesino for fleeing his filthy,disease ridden life of poverty.He will soon be your neighbor.Into your life he will bring his culture,family values,and respect for private property.You cannot win.When Felipe brings your daughter something shiny,smile and be glad your liberal values have won out.
