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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Blue Print for A Republic

     The American government was based on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When we invade and rebuild a country, why do we stop there. Why do we not establish them as the United States of Irag, Japan, Germany, Phillipines, Mexico. Why do we feel that 50 percent of job is enough.
    I believe our Representative Republic can be duplicated. Our system of checks and balances work for a diverse population and culture. Representative Republics seem to work and appear to be able to interact appropriately.
   The fools errand of rebuilding failed governments is expensive and detrimental to the USA. Our sons and daughters should not be in harms way to reestablish governments that will oppose us once again,

INVASION MEXICO 7500 Die in Drug War on Our Border

     Mexico was once a beautiful country. The southern neighbor of the US was a junior partner able to respect beneficial boundaries.This is unfortunately no longer the situation. the Mexican government is teetering on the brink of failure. The only exports of note are illegal drugs and illegal labor. The Mexican government (Narco terrorist state coming to see you soon) actively assists the movement of illegal aliens into the US. The illegal drug trade operates  with their complicity and possible active assistance.
      The armed invasion of Mexico is a certainty. The only question is will it be too late. Can our government carry out a humanitarian invasion and help our neighbor establish a Representative Republic?

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Border Crossings: There's an App for That - Sphere News

Border Crossings: There's an App for That - Sphere News

American Maid

Only Spartan women give birth to Spartans.Only white women give birth to white children.For far too long we have placed too little value on the women of our race.
If we do not have children to replace us we have already lost. The people that are our rivals for dominance of this planet already know this.
Respect our women,raise your children.Fight against race mixing,abortion and the destruction of our industrial base.
The women of our race want men to protect them and give them children to raise.The need to have children can be subverted with useless careers or the sin of racemixing.
Decide do you want your grandchildren to inherit the world we have built? Will your spirit rest in a world populated by a people who only remember you as a punchline?

Buy American Made

The war against your race,culture and country was started long ago. This war will never be formally declared,and its loss will mean the extinction of our race,religions and the destruction of the United States.
I know the tree of liberty should be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots.I also know we defeated the USSR with our economic system. The economics of the US have been marginalized with the fairy tale of globalism.
I feel that a grass roots purchasing system could bolster American manufacturing and place the resurrected companies in our debt.
A.Everyone research and find a national product that is American Made.
B.Present this product on the blog.
C.Readers can vote and establish a consensus. At that point we would committ to purchase this item once a month for a year.
A. Less than 50 dollars, I believe closer to 5 dolllars would be best.
B. Needs to be an American made durable good.
C. Write the manufacturer and let them know what is going on and why we are supporting their product.(need email addresses of product manufacturer.)
D. The product could be purchased on a set date,this would allow the manufacturer to track and credit purchases.

I was taught this as a child:For want of a nail the shoe was lost.For want of a shoe the horse was lost.For want of horse the rider was lost.For want of a rider the battle was lost.

I know that everyone continues to wait for a sentinel event.There is not going to be one.Our destruction is being carried out in the abortion mills,orchestrated on television,and our children are being brainwashed in the proto prisons labeled public school.

Doing something small is a million times better than doing nothing.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sins Of Anarchy

Do not be misled,the American people will fight to destroy tyranny.The problem is they have been lulled into a state of delusion. The American patriot continues to wait for a Pearl Harbor/9-11 type of incident. The enemy has no intention of spotlighting their behavior.
The war to replace European Christians is being fought on a cellular level. The movement for zero population growth was directed at the middle class white.The blacks were pressed into the welfare system. The black women were given money for producing children. The men were removed from the family.This produced a culture of men with no respect for women and a culture of women who did not need men to help them make a living.
The whites are now under attack,the children who would have grown into husbands,wives and soldiers were aborted so their parents could carry on a life of continued adolescence. Hedonism and play replaced the virtues of family.White males use the women of their race as whores,preying upon the woman's need to reproduce.
The people who want to replace you cannot directly attack you. They are destroying your identity and your ability to protect yourself. This is being done on the most basic levels. Why are white males and blondes the butt of all jokes. Why else would clearly european movie stars be replaced with actors of dark complexion.Consciously examine the current leading men. Are they attractive white men, or people similar to Jeff Goldblum. Why are mixed race couples prevalent?
Do not be decieved. What you do in this life matters.


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Join the Army See the World

When I was a child the people who were afraid to serve in the military went to great effort to denigrate and devalue the principles that made this country free. The Communist infiltrators always alert to chinks in the armor of America exploited this. The antiwar movement went from spoiled children to organized and prolific support of the communist Vietnamese.
The popular media was used to promote disloyal,procommunist tripe disguised as comedy. I feel this started with the movie MASH. The doctors who disagreed with the war were portrayed as romanticaly, desirable rebels who were obvously the good guys.The patriots were mocked and reviled and shown to be incompetent. The use of comedy,a trojan horse, allowed the invasion of American homes on a grand scale. Americans felt if it was a comedy it was not serious and watched in a relaxed open manner. This allowed the people who hate and fear the Western Christian culture to slowly chip away at the basic beliefs.If anyone noticed they were told it is only a comedy don't take it so seriously.