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Friday, February 26, 2010

Killer Whales and Other Honest Creatures

Grampus Orca is the largest member of the porpoise family. Porpoises are possibly the most intelligent of our pseudo pets. Our civilization is capable of capturing and displaying the most dangerous predators that exist. We also make their habitats and activities circuses to entertain us. These creatures never forget who they are. People are the only animals that confuse what they want things to be with what they are.
Barack Hussein Obama is not the cool black kid on your highschool football team. He is not the glib black guy in your college class. He is not the black guy in your office that you feel is your friend.
Obama is a Killer Whale. He feels no connection to your country. He was probably not born here. He does not feel the attachment a new immigrant feels for the land that grants him a life and freedom. He feels no connection to his mothers family.(the ones he sees as the white Americans) He grew to manhood in foreign lands with no real attachment to the USA. He would not have had the opportunities or advantages that allowed him to rise to this station in life if he had been a peasant in the foreign lands he idolizes . He feels that he would have been able to accomplish this on his own.
Obama appears to be a narcissitic entitlement punk. He will never feel any need to devout himself to the advancement of the USA. He feels rejected by his mother's family. He has idolized his professional student opportunistic,parasite of a father..
Obama shows he does not agree with the Representative Republic I and better men have sworn to defend. The frustration and disdain he feels for our form of government and the people of this country are apparent any time he is on camera. His conversations with elder statesmen show that he feels the winning of the election has placed him in a position beyond the rule of constitutional law.
Obama will crush and drown you if you get in his way. This is what he has always been. The Americans saw what they wanted to see. It did not have anything to do with reality.